CME Essentials

Continuing Medical Education (CME) activity should be planned and implemented for quality learning. A CME provider must communicate the following information to Council as well as participants/learner:

  1. Faculty and credentials together with a title, abstract and objective
  2. Medium used – whether multimedia/slides/hard copy hand-outs
  3. Method of participation of learners in the learning process
  4. Estimated time to complete the educational activity
  5. Communicate the purpose or objectives so the learner is informed before participating in the activity.

Each faculty must provide Council with written statement of its CME purpose, content area, the target audience and expected results of the program. The plan should identify education needs with a desired result and there should be the use of needs assessment data in the planning of CME activities.

All CME activities should be integrated into the existing medical system and should set out to improve professional practice. Any provider of CME activities should be positioned to influence the scope and content of educational intervention.
Social events or meals at CME activities cannot compete with or take precedence over the educational events.